Pokemon Showdown Commands

Jul 16th, 2014
Hidden avatars showdown

The Crown Tundra update for Pokemon Showdown has been released! You can now use the new and returning Pokemon in the Generation 8 formats. /away and /busy commands. Additionally, users will automatically be marked as idle after a prolonged period of inactivity. The other way is typing '/invite roomname / battle' in the PM from the user you want to invite. The outcome is the same, but the first method is slightly easier since battle names can be quite complicated. Staff commands: /mute user, reason /m user, reason This command will mute a user for 7 minutes.

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All Pokemon Showdown Commands

  1. /msg OR /whisper OR /w [username], [message] - Send a private message.
  2. /reply OR /r [message] - Send a private message to the last person you received a message from, or sent a message to.
  3. /rating [username] - Get user's rating.
  4. /avatar [new avatar number] - Change your trainer sprite.
  5. /whois - Get details on yourself: alts, group, IP address, and rooms.
  6. /whois [username] - Get details on a username: alts (Requires: % @ & ~), group, IP address (Requires: @ & ~), and rooms.
  7. /data [pokemon/item/move/ability] - Get details on this pokemon/item/move/ability/nature.
  8. !data [pokemon/item/move/ability] - Show everyone these details. Requires: + % @ & ~
  9. /details [pokemon] - Get additional details on this pokemon/item/move/ability/nature.
  10. !details [pokemon] - Show everyone these details. Requires: + % @ & ~
  11. /analysis [pokemon], [generation] - Links to the Smogon University analysis for this Pokemon in the given generation.
  12. !analysis [pokemon], [generation] - Shows everyone this link. Requires: + % @ & ~
  13. /groups - Explains what the + % @ & next to people's names mean.
  14. !groups - Show everyone that information. Requires: + % @ & ~
  15. /opensource - Links to PS's source code repository.
  16. !opensource - Show everyone that information. Requires: + % @ & ~
  17. !avatars - Show everyone that information. Requires: + % @ & ~
  18. /intro - Provides an introduction to competitive pokemon.
  19. !intro - Show everyone that information. Requires: + % @ & ~
  20. /cap - Provides an introduction to the Create-A-Pokemon project.
  21. !cap - Show everyone that information. Requires: + % @ & ~
  22. /om - Provides links to information on the Other Metagames.
  23. !om - Show everyone that information. Requires: + % @ & ~
  24. /learn [pokemon], [move, move, ...] - Displays how a Pokemon can learn the given moves, if it can at all.
  25. !learn [pokemon], [move, move, ...] - Show everyone that information. Requires: + % @ & ~
  26. !calc - Shows everyone a link to a damage calculator. Requires: + % @ & ~
  27. /away - Blocks challenges so no one can challenge you. Deactivate it with /back.
  28. /back - Unlocks challenges so you can be challenged again. Deactivate it with /away.
  29. /faq [theme] - Provides a link to the FAQ. Add deviation, doubles, randomcap, restart, or staff for a link to these questions. Add all for all of them.
  30. !faq [theme] - Shows everyone a link to the FAQ. Add deviation, doubles, randomcap, restart, or staff for a link to these questions. Add all for all of them. Requires: + % @ & ~
  31. /highlight add, word - add a new word to the highlight list.
  32. /highlight list - list all words that currently highlight you.
  33. /highlight delete, word - delete a word from the highlight list.
  34. Set your timestamps preference:
  35. /timestamps [all|lobby|pms], [minutes|seconds|off]
  36. all - change all timestamps preferences, lobby - change only lobby chat preferences, pms - change only PM preferences
  37. off - set timestamps off, minutes - show timestamps of the form [hh:mm], seconds - show timestamps of the form [hh:mm:ss]
  38. /effectiveness OR /matchup OR /eff OR /type [attack], [defender] - Provides the effectiveness of a move or type on another type or a Pokémon.
  39. !effectiveness OR /matchup OR !eff OR !type [attack], [defender] - Shows everyone the effectiveness of a move or type on another type or a Pokémon.
  40. /dexsearch [type], [move], [move], ... - Searches for Pokemon that fulfill the selected criteria.
  41. Search categories are: type, tier, color, moves, ability, gen.
  42. Valid colors are: green, red, blue, white, brown, yellow, purple, pink, gray and black.
  43. Valid tiers are: Uber/OU/BL/UU/BL2/RU/BL3/NU/LC/CAP.
  44. Types must be followed by ' type', e.g., 'dragon type'.
  45. Parameters can be excluded through the use of '!', e.g., '!water type' excludes all water types.
  46. The parameter 'mega' can be added to search for Mega Evolutions only, and the parameters 'FE' or 'NFE' can be added to search fully or not-fully evolved Pokemon only.
  47. /dice [optional max number] - Randomly picks a number between 1 and 6, or between 1 and the number you choose.
  48. /dice [number of dice]d[number of sides] - Simulates rolling a number of dice, e.g., /dice 2d4 simulates rolling two 4-sided dice.
  49. /pick [option], [option], ... - Randomly selects an item from a list containing 2 or more elements.
  50. /join [roomname] - Attempts to join the room [roomname].
  51. /ignore [user] - Ignores all messages from the user [user].
  52. /invite [username], [roomname] - Invites the player [username] to join the room [roomname].
RAW Paste Data
  1. Pokemon Showdown bot written for Node JS with a toon of features often useful for chat rooms like automated moderation, blacklist, customizable help / information commands, games, tournament tools and chat logs. All of those features can be configured with a web control panel that does not require any programming knowledge to be used.
  2. Pokemon Showdown Commands.  Balanced Hackmons!  /om Balanced Hackmons  Inverse  /om Inverse. Create-A-Pokemon (CAP) /cap. And so on, do /om (metagame) for information on everything else! Tournament Commands. To leave: /tour leave To forfeit the match: /forfeit (Please make sure to do this before going offline!
  3. Myuu is a Pokemon Discord Bot that’s a biiiit different from your usual ones. Unlike PokeTwo, and PokeRealm which aim to be Pokecord clones and PokeMeow which tries to be its own thing, Myuu works to replicate most of a real Pokemon game experience complete with gym battles, regions, throwing Pokeballs, and lots and lots of battling (perhaps even, too much)!

Pokemon Showdown Text Commands